
king on laptop with a calculator

If This Was Easy, Everyone Would Do It.

By: Susan DeMatei, founder of WineGlass Marketing Setting expectations is difficult. After all, we all want perfection and success, so ...
two small dogs riding in car and out the car window is a very large wine bottle and barrels

Family Frenzy in Wine Country

The Case for Kids and Canines By: Susan DeMatei and Nathan Chambers Let's kick things off with a dose of ...
row of Spanish wine bottles

A Short and Quick Guide to Wine Importation Regulatory Process

By: Brad Berkman and Louis Terminello Importing wine into the United State may initially seem like a daunting task. Licensing ...
cork person helping another cork person off a cork screw

Innovations and Trends in Winery Caps, Corks and Closures

By: Alyssa L. Ochs Sealing up a bottle of wine with a cork or cap is one of the last ...
wine bottle laying on blue silk

The Refined Palette of Investment

Exploring Wine as a Strategic Asset By: Shana Orczyk Sissel - Founder, President & Chief Executive Officer of Banríon Capital ...
two people clinking their champagne glass

8 Proven Ways to Elevate Winery Revenue in a Changing Market

By: Jonathan Smalley, President and CEO of SmaK Plastics The Times They Are A-Changin According to CNN, global wine consumption ...
chart showing types of trips americans plan to take in 2024

The Stars Are the Limit

Trends Shaping Tourist Season 2024 By: Susan DeMatei, Founder of WineGlass Marketing Can you believe it’s May? Soon rain will ...
two hands hovering over a world globe with a question mark in the world globe

Five Predictions for Wine Marketing

By: Susan DeMatei, Founder of WineGlass Marketing When I start feeling optimistic, I imagine one or two people might read ...
Picture showing wine bottles in first box, 1 wine bottle in second box, and a wine bottle being held behind a women's back saying Visual strategies include props, models, colors, lighting, backgrounds, angles, symbols, composition, and contrast to make your images look different than other brands.

Our Five Top Marketing Priorities for 2024

By: Susan DeMatei, Founder of WineGlass Marketing If you're like most of us, the holiday marketing campaigns are well underway, ...
Photo of B Cellars front entrance to their building

B Cellars Embraces AI to Understand the Emotional Connection Between Brand and Consumers

In the ever-evolving landscape of the wine industry, innovation is not just about viticulture and winemaking techniques; the new frontier ...